ected for Each Class & Assignment

ected for Each Class & Assignment
Don't Feel Like You're Falling! Understand Exactly What is Expected for Each Class & Assignment

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Sample Essays

[written in the Summary, Analysis, Response layout]

Students in my ENGL101 course will use the basics for this summary, analysis, response layout, but our assignment is not calling for a full essay.  Stick to the brevity mentioned in the actual assignment sheet for our class.

Men and Women in Conversation: Example response essay to Deborah Tannen's article about how divorce can be prevented if people learn the communication signals of the opposite gender.

Response Essay about Getting a Tattoo: Responds to a personal experience article from the New York Times about a man who gets a dragon tattoo.

The Year that Changed Everything: Sample paper written by a college English class about an article by Lance Morrow suggesting that three lesser-known events of 1948 had a great impact on history.

[To see Virginia Kearney’s full article about writing a response paper—without my notes and guidance for our specific assignment—you can follow THIS LINK.  ]

Content in blue boxes are the words of J. Dick.

Elaboration/corrective content by J. Dick, within Kearney’s writing, can be found in [brackets]. 
These brackets are not Kearney’s ideas. 
The bracketed content is infused by J. Dick for the edification of ENGL101 students.

Table of Contents                                       Next Page

  1. OVERVIEW: Summary, Analysis, and Response Assignment
  2. PURPOSE: Summary, Analysis, and Response Assignment

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