ected for Each Class & Assignment

ected for Each Class & Assignment
Don't Feel Like You're Falling! Understand Exactly What is Expected for Each Class & Assignment

Discussion Boards

Liberty Student Discussion Board Details
Open up to your classmates and engage with them.  While you may not always agree with the points they make, they are at least trying to convey their ideas and argue their beliefs.  Take advantage of that discussion to learn more and argue better.

You will need to log into the online classroom to find the discussion boards for our class.  

Inside the discussion boards, you will find threads that will need to be completed at different times throughout the class.

You will also find an Ask the Instructor thread.  That is where you will post any questions about the course so that I can provide you with a quick answer that will benefit the whole class.

Directions for Discussion Board Assignment

Respond to the writing prompt posted to the discussion board forum.  Make sure you spend the time to revise and edit the assignment so that your response is written in standard English with:

Pay close attention to the directions so that you know the:
  1. Required Word Count
  2. Required Sources
  3. Required Textbook Readings
  4. Steps in the Assignment
  5. Due Date
  6. Documentation Format

Each new point you address from the discussion board prompt needs to be in a new paragraph--focus on what the assignment was asking you to do: analyze, argue, provide details, evaluate, identify principles of argument, rebut or support a reading's main idea, etc.   

  • refer to aspects of the textbook readings from the assigned week or previous weeks,
  • address specific points regarding purpose, audience, and context
  • use principles of argument to defend your position.

General Guidelines for Responding to Peers

Reply to a classmate’s post with a 150-200 word response written in standard English, no slang, no colloquialisms, no contractions, with content broken in the 3-part-writing layout:
  • introduction paragraph
  • body paragraph(s)
  • conclusion paragraph.

  • Each new point you address from your classmate's initial post needs to be in a new paragraph--focus on what the peer was arguing and addressing in his/her analysis.
  • Use the principles of argument either to rebut or to support your classmate’s ideas.  (You must refer to aspects of the textbook reading assignment.)
  • Address specific points regarding your classmate’s initial post's content about the purpose, audience, and context.    (You must refer to aspects of the textbook reading assignment.)
  • Statements such as, “I like what you said” or “I disagree with your comment,” do not count as replies.  
  • You must explain why you liked or disliked the student's assignment posting.  Focus on what the peer was arguing in his/her post.  
  • Include additional thoughts or ideas (to advance the discussion further) if you agreed with the author (indicating from the readings why the author was correct in the statement) or by providing alternative ideas or thoughts when you disagree (referring to aspects of the textbook readings to support your disagreement).
  • You can ask the classmate questions for clarification of his/her reflective argument. 

Keep in mind that, regardless of whether you agree or disagree with your classmates’ opinions, you must be respectful and courteous in every interaction.  

For more on the proper discussion in an academic setting, consult the netiquette policy found in the Student Expectations link of this course. 

Need more helpful information about Discussion Board posts?  See these handouts for assistance:

Discussion Questions: FAQs and Understanding the Assignments

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