ected for Each Class & Assignment

ected for Each Class & Assignment
Don't Feel Like You're Falling! Understand Exactly What is Expected for Each Class & Assignment

Monday, October 22, 2018

Assignment; Now What??

You Received an Assignment; Now What??
When you first receive an assignment, there are specific steps you must take to make sure that you complete the assignment properly, on-time, and while clearly displaying your knowledge of the assignment’s evaluative properties (what your instructor is expecting you to be able to show knowledge in to receive the highest points).
To complete an assignment properly, you need to sit down with the assignment directions and highlight the key factors for that assignment:
Due date
Required sources
Required layout
Required formatting
Required writing style
Required topic
Required structure
To complete an assignment on-time, you need to:
Take note of the due date
Determine your personal, business, and school requirements for the week to set-aside time to properly work through the stages of the Writing Process early and often in the week so that you are not rushed as the due date approaches.
Take note of whether late-work will be accepted, and if it will be accepted late, what the penalty will be for late submissions.
To complete an assignment displaying the required knowledge, you need to:
Understand the style of writing (process, argument, causal analysis, etc.)
Understand the lessons from your textbook(s) up to this point to know what your instructor expects you to be able to display in your writing
Understand the topic—what are the specific angles the instructor wants you to display in regard to the assigned topic (youth, America, Christian worldview, etc.)?
Understand how you will be graded—see the grading rubric for that lesson (or for all writings for that class) to understand the ‘boxes’ your instructor will be looking to check off as you demonstrate various aspects of writing.
See the learning links below to assist you in getting started on your latest assignment:

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