ected for Each Class & Assignment

ected for Each Class & Assignment
Don't Feel Like You're Falling! Understand Exactly What is Expected for Each Class & Assignment

When Should I Include a Title Page

When should I include a Title Page with my work?  Does the Thesis/Outline assignment require a Title page with it?

Our essay assignments have two steps to them.  We will work on a specific essay style and essay topic for two weeks. 
The first week, we will complete readings and develop the Thesis/Outline assignment to begin working through ideas on the essay style and the essay topic.
The following week, we will complete additional readings and develop the Essay assignment to begin converting the outline into a full argument essay based on the writing guidelines from our Learn Essay Writing website and through the conventions for that given essay style and the assigned essay topic.

The Title page should accompany the Thesis/Outline assignment as well as the essay assignment. 

By creating the title page with the outline assignment, it is easier for you to convert your saved outline assignment work into the essay assignment work the following week.  After all, you would already have the three sections set up with the first week’s outline work:
title page,
outline, and then

You can then go back—after seeing my comments on the outline assignment—and flesh-out the outline, make changes to the order, and develop the topic and closing sentences of each body-paragraph according to requirements.

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